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September News
Summer is officially coming to an end and a new school year is finally here! We said our goodbyes to many of our preschoolers as they continue their journey on to Kindergarten! Please come back and visit! We had a great summer, lots of memories, laugher and of course learning new things. Please visit and “like” our Facebook page to see upcoming events, special visitors, and also see pictures of what is going on at A Place to Grow!
Upcoming Events/ Special Days in the Center:
**Center closed Labor Day (Sept.3rd)
Themes for September
(Sept.3rd-7th) All About Me
(Sept 10th-14) Friends are Wonderful
(Sept.17th-21st) Parts of Our Body
(Sept.24th-28th) Apples
Weekly tuition is due by 10:00 am on Friday morning. If your Tuition is not in by 10:00 am on Friday morning you will be charged a $10.00 late fee, and the late fees will accumulate for every day that tuition is not received.**Hot lunch is EVERY Wednesday. Your money must be handed in on the morning of in order for your child to be on the list.**
What your children are doing:
Infant One:We are ready for the school year! We have some new faces in the classroom, we would like to welcome Lachlan, we are excited to have them here with us. This month we will be doing a lot of back to school art! Jenna has been doing better with holding her head up. She’s been doing tummy time and loves to sit in the bumbo. Quinn is pretty much crawling and Colin is right there behind her! Averie isn’t quite there yet, but she loves to get into the crawling position and watch her friends. Ryan and Parker have been visiting back in infant one for the past few weeks! They both are crawling around the whole room and love to explore. Parker is pulling himself up on anything and everything he can. We are excited for the fall. Time to see the leaves change colors. Please check your child’s bin to make sure they have what they need for the cooler weather coming. Let’s have a fantastic month!
Infant Two: Ryan and Parker have been visiting Infant 1, however, Infant 2 will be open for the month of September. We welcome Skylar, Alixandra, and Brady into Infant 2! We are excited to see what September has for us. Please make sure to see the lesson plan on the parent board to see what are weekly themes are. Also, keep in mind that it is a state regulation that every child must have bedding and an ice pack in their lunch bag. Keep an eye out for awesome art work. Welcome Fall!
One’s Class: Toddler one is ready to kick off into the school year. We want to welcome Serayah to our classroom she is doing great. Everett is starting to say a lot of words and repeat animal sounds during circle time. Madelyn is doing great practicing her counting with blocks. Celena does great participating during the songs we sing in circle time. Amirah and Jeremy have been slowly transitioning to the toddler two classroom they love to play with the friends in that classroom.
Toddler 2: We welcome the month of September with open arms! We have many fun and exciting things that the t2 class will be doing going on a nature walks, talking about all the different nature things outside such as leaves, pine-cones, etc. We will also be doing many art activities with apple prints and leave collages. As a class we will explore the sensory table with leaves, talking about the different colors and shapes. The themes for the month are “All About Me”, Friends Are Wonderful”, “Parts of Our Body”, and “Apples”. We will continue reviewing numbers and shapes during circle time and focus on taking turns with our friends. Also, working on using our words when we want something. Amanda, really enjoys identifying the flash cards. Charlotte loves listening to stories one of her favorites is who wears glasses. Jeremy and Corrine do well with helping clean-up after centers and art. Sophia C. has been working on potty training sitting on the potty Evelyna and Amirah do well with the months of the year and days of the week. They also participate along with friends during the circle times. Please check your child’s art folder and bin for extra clothes. Callie and Mateo have moved in the T3. We would like to wish Evelyna a very Happy Birthday!
Toddler 3: Coming up in September we have several exciting changes! First, I would like to say farewell to Madelyn, as she leaves our center to continue growing elsewhere. Goodbye Madelyn! We would also like to welcome some new friends that are beginning to transition to T3! Callie, Sophia, Charlotte and Amanda have all begun moving on up to T3 and are really doing so well already! They’ve all been talking a lot more and ask so many questions! Callie and Sophia just celebrated their birthdays in August! Happy Birthday! We have so many fun themed weeks ahead of us as we exit summer and approach fall, and we couldn’t be more excited to grow and experience everything with our new and old friends!
Toddler 4: Welcome September! Can you believe Summer days are gone?! We hope to see a few more warm days before the summer is officially over. Welcome Savannah to T4! Saying goodbye to Sophia, sage, and Joel! Happy Birthday to Nathan, and Jonathan! They will soon be off to preschool as well! Tristan is very interested in the potty and we hope to have him potty trained soon! Zachary is doing great with his vocabulary and loves learning new letters! Jensen loves learning about new animals and is practicing his colors! Grace is doing a great job communicating her feelings and putting them into words! She is also doing awesome with her shapes and colors! We will continue to work on using our manners. Let’s have a great month!
Preschool/ School Age: Dear parents, we would like to take this time to say how excited we are to start a new year but also how sad we are to see the summer gone already. It has been so much fun over the last couple months but we know the fun will continue. We would like to say good-bye to all of our graduates and our friends that visited and stayed with us through out the summer. We are also wishing them all good luck with their new adventures and their new school year. We would like to say welcome to our new friends that will be joining us and welcome back to our already friends that will still be with us this school year. We are looking forward to learning all about creative art, all about me and many more things this month. We are very excited for the activities that get to come with the fall weather. Please check out our parent info board to see what we will be working on.
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